...Trying to locate movie...Morgan Steel and Colored Mistress have sissy maid scene. Sissy Marta drops Morgans Steels ash and is spanked by both Mistresses. Second Sence Dutchess Von Stern play teach Ms Cambell and paddles her student 2 times...Think is was made by Bizarre Videos in early 90s. Think it was called Spanking Fantasies. Will pay 1000 dollars..Thank
This video was titled differently last time I watched it. Something like, “The Education of Kate” or something. What it needs is more scolding. What’s the punishment for?
Hello, my mom spanked me a lot when I was young. Today, I live with a woman who is 20 years older (I am 42 years old, she is 62). She spanks me a lot (whip and whip), too. I wish to be your friend. Thank you
Will pay 1000 dollars..Thank