Thanks for posting, my wife is the same. She pretended she didn't know where the hand held massager was - but I had vids for a while showing she knows exactly what it can do to her pussy. A couple ar ein my profile
My ex-wife was similar, and denied that she ever masturbated.....I bought the smallest video camera I could find, and managed to hide it in the bedroom like in this video..Surprise surprise, after a few attempts, I managed to catch her in our bed rubbing one out enthusiastically! She even pulled her nightie off was playing with her breasts as she was rubbing herself.....Another morning, she got out of bed and disappeared for a few minutes, but came back to bed with a courgette, and proceeded to use it as a dildo as she squatted on our bed! It was a wonderful thing to see, and I never did tell her, I just enjoyed watching the secret footage at my leisure!